Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Style: Outfit of the Day: Styling Green Pants

I bet you clicked on this post expecting some bright green pants....YEAH RIGHT! Not sure I could pull those off. However, some nice army green pants are right up my alley. Pants like these that have a nice
deep color to them are easy to pair with so many different things! They're great cuz they have a bit of color to them but aren't anything crazy.

Remember some of my style tips? Pick a statement piece, add jewelry and pair a loose top with more fitted bottoms?
Statement piece = the shirt with a fun pattern
Jewelry = long chain necklace (I love pairing long necklaces with flowey tops) and round earrings.
Annnnnnd fitted bottoms with a flowey top! BAM!
I also love to roll the bottoms of my pants up in the summer time. I think it just gives them a cute look and is a bit more summery. Its also makes shorties like me look a bit taller. (win!)

Outfit Details:
Earrings: Express
Shirt: Marshalls
Necklace: Nordstrom BP
Pants: Express
Shoes: Express

Typical face I give Jeremy when he says something crazy.

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