Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One Girls Thoughts on All Things Beauty: Why Did I Start a Blog?

Since I was a little girl I've loved the world of beauty. 

My Mom loves to tell stories about when I was three or four years old and I would pick out my outfits and refuse to wear certain things. As I got older I would drive her crazy when she would try to do my hair for me and I would tell her she did it wrong and take it out. When I entered my teen years I begged her to let me wear makeup. I'm sure she wondered how I was even her child as we lived in the middle of nowhere and she was in no way enchanted by the world of beauty as I was.

Fast-forward years later and I'm a hairstylist who secretly someday wants to become a makeup artist. I've watched YouTube videos and read countless beauty blogs over the years and built up quite a collection of knowledge as well as makeup. My friends and family ask me for advice on their own hair and makeup all the time and while I consider myself far from being an expert I'm always happy to lend my thoughts. I've toyed with the idea of starting a blog for about a year now but always thought "There are already tons of awesome blogs out there, who would even read mine?" But after a loving push from my hubby and encouragement from those around me I've finally taken the plunge into making a blog of my very own!

I once read a book by the great Donald Miller. In the book he was talking about writing a great story with our lives. He said the two things our souls need the most, the two things our souls search for all our lives are beauty and meaning. It stuck with me because of its truth.
This blog will focus mainly on beauty -makeup, hair, fashion, home decor etc but every once in a while I'll write about something that has meaning to me.
We can find a bit of beauty everywhere we look, I hope this blog will help you find beauty in your life.

I'm planning on posting twice a week to start, Mondays and Thursdays. I'd love feedback and ideas of what you'd like to see. The beauty questions you want answered, things you've always wondered but didn't know who to ask, reviews on new products and anything else you can think of!

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me. Enjoy!


  1. Great are my go to girl for all things beauty.....I still wonder how we an be related, but am certainly glad we are :)

  2. Great Job Sam!! Cannot wait to hear more!! :)
