Monday, March 17, 2014

Meaning: Those Quiet Moments.

This whole time change set your clocks back thing always messes with me every year. I know it was a few weeks ago but my sleep schedule has still been weird. I haven't been able to fall asleep right away these  so I'll usually scroll through Instagram, Twitter or Facebook on my phone until I get tired. The other night that  didn't work, so I decided to play a little Freecell on my phone (don't judge, I know its a nerdy card game). 
As I tried to make the cards go where they were supposed to go I started to reflect back on my day. Just thinking about all the things that had happened, the conversations I had, the way I reacted to certain situations, what I thought of the people I had encountered. Without even realizing it I dissected how and why I felt certain ways. 

Its too rare of an occasion that we have time to reflect. We are so busy with so many activities to occupy our time that we don't take the moments to understand ourselves and our lives. I know that I feel time is wasted if I'm just playing a game on my phone or mindlessly watching TV. But sometimes we need that, we need the moments where our brains are busy but also able to think. 

My husband loves to come home after a busy day and just veg out and watch TV. Doesn't matter what he's watching, it could be the stupidest show like The People's Court, and he will just sit there and relax. I never could understand it, why would he want to watch something he didn't care about? But I'm slowly starting to understand that he needs that time where he doesn't have to think or respond, he just has to "be". He knows this about himself, he knows he has to take those moments to let himself relax and think over the day without literally sitting there just staring at a wall thinking. That wouldn't work well for him, he would start making up a game to play with the wall or something silly like that. It wouldn't work for me either, I would stare at that wall and think of all the things I SHOULD be doing. 

But late at night, cuddled in bed, playing Freecell did work for me. As I was laying there, listening to my husband snoring beside me, cozy and warm under the quilt my aunt and Mom had made, our dog sleeping in her bed beside ours, I was filled with the peacefulness of the moment. I thought of how God had given me so much to be thankful for and allowed myself to rest in the contentedness that I felt. 

A healthy husband, a cute dog and warm bed isn't something I regularly thank God for. Its not something that on an everyday basis I'm glad that I have. Those moments pass me by so quickly and I don't allow them to wash over my soul. But in that moment? I did. I felt that peacefulness deep inside my heart, I felt the beauty of the moment and it was something that I want to embrace more often.

Quiet moments for the soul.

 Figure out where that moment will work for you, for me its in the silence of the night, for my husband its in the background noise of the TV, where will it be for you? What will you feel when you allow a moment to wash over your soul? What will you discover about yourself? About whats important to you?

Take the time, find the meaning.

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