Thursday, April 17, 2014

HairDo's: How To Do the Hippie Braid

I saw a picture of this braid and loved it right away! I knew I had to try it on myself and it was easier then I thought it would be! The first day I wore this I had a girl stop me at Ulta and ask me how I did it cuz she loved it so much. 
This style does work better on curly or wavy hair, I did it with my hair straight a different time and while I did like it, I didn't love it as much. 

I started with second day hair, I think it had been up in a bun the day before so there was plenty of texture to work with. I used a bit of dry shampoo in my roots to get rid of the oil and to keep things in place. 

Next, create an inside out french braid starting at the top of the head and grabbing pieces from both the top and bottom to create the braid. I did this another time just taking pieces from the top and it didn't hold nearly as well. Braid it a bit past your ear and then whatever you have left just regular braid it down and tie it with an elastic. Keep everything as tight to the head as possible and follow the curve of your head toward the back. Then, after its secure pull at the braid making it looser and wider.I just found out this is called "pancaking" the braid. I have no idea why. 

Repeat on the other side, try to take about the same amount of hair so the braids will be fairly even. Now, don't tie this one off, instead bring it around to the back of your head and pin it as close to the other braid as you can. If you have short hair like me, this will be a stretch, but if your hair is long then only braid it long enough to be able to pin it under the other braid. Then let the rest fall in with your hair. Make sure you "pancake" this one too, just pull at each strand of the braid to create texture and fullness.

See how the tail just kind of falls, the pins are crisscrossed and you can tell where I stopped grabbing hair from either side and just braided regularly.

Next take the other braid and cross it over the one you already pinned and tucking it into where you stopped french braiding. Look closely at the picture down there, you'll be able to see where I tucked this one in. Pin it, crisscrossing the pins again. Pancake once again, pulling gently to widen the braid. Pin anywhere else that needs it and you've got yourself the hippie braid. What I love those most about this is it looks like you just tied your hair together somehow cuz all the pins are hidden and it lasted me ALL DAY the three times I've done it.
Send me a pic if you give it a try.

For those of you with longer hair, I LOVE this girls beauty blog and she did this exact look (only she called it the wrap around braid) Check out her version for some extra help :

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