I just finished doing this look and my husband said to me "Your eyes look really light today, like light green." I don't really know if that is a complement or not but since he noticed that I looked different I guess I will take it as a good thing!
This eye look is going to look awesome on green eyes, on brown eyes, on blue eyes. You name it, the warm coppery shades will be flattering on them all!
I'm going to show you a LOT of different steps and products today but don't feel like you need to use them all. The finished version of this look is the over the top version, when you really want to have some fun with your eye makeup. As we go along I'll let you know what to skip for a more stable look.
First things first we gotta start with the tools of the trade. Here's what I used, as well as some ideas of what you could use if you don't have these exact things. (If you want to just skip to the actual "how-to" part of this post then scroll down.)
I used five different eye brushes from start to finish for this complete look. You could get away with two. I'll put a little star next to the ones you'll for sure need. They are listed in the order used.
-Fluffy crease brush. *
-Flat shader brush. *
-Even fluffier crease brush
-Pencil Brush
-just a plain old normal eyeshadow brush
The shadows! This is my custom Mac palette. It took me ages to fill it and two of the shadows aren't actually Mac shadows (not yet anyways.) Mac's eyeshadows have some of the greatest pigmentation and staying quality of any shadows I've tried. Yes, they are pricey but I say WORTH IT!
The shades swatched on my hand from top to bottom.
-Nylon a shimmery white {for highlighting}
-Texture a light brown with some slight shimmer {for blending}
-Espresso a darker warm brown {crease color}
-Antiqued a beautiful shimmery warm copper tone. LOVE. {all over lid color}
-Carbon a matte black {definition color}
And here they are numbered according to the order we're gonna use them in. Now if you don't have these exact shadows in your collection just look around for things similar. My favorite one and top choice for you to go out and buy would be Antiqued. I haven't found anything like it yet.
I used three different eyeliners today. Are they all needed? Not really, you could get away with just one but hey, I was experimenting.
Mac Eye Kohl in Costa Riche (A deep reddish brown)
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Pencil in Smog (a shimmery brown)
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Pencil in Demolition (a darker matte brown)
Gotta have the mascara and primer for any eye look. And these are my two current favs. Speaking of primer that's the FIRST STEP- Prime those eyes! Don't skip this step, you're gonna be working hard to create this look and you don't want it all messed up an hour later.
SECOND STEP- put the shade Expresso (matte brown) all over the crease using a fluffy crease brush.
Excuse my eyebrows. They are supposes to be growing out and of course they aren't doing it to gracefully. Anyways, a few tips when applying a darker shade to the crease. You want this to be really well blended and "blown out". A great trick is to first hold your brush close to the top of the handle and really work the color into the outer part of the crease.

After you've worked it into the outer part, start blending it back and forth, back and forth in windshield wiper motions. I always raise my eyebrows, I feel like it gets the shadow in there better for some reason. Next, hold the bottom of the brush and keep sweeping the shadow back and forth. I always put the brush in the shadow once for each eye and tap off any excess to avoid fallout. That's whats so awesome about these shadows, a little goes a LONG way. Matte shades can be hard to work with so extra blending is key.
THIRD STEP- using the flat shader brush pick up the shade Antiqued (shimmery copper) and apply it all over the lid of the eye using patting motions. This time I will pick up the shadow a few times and really pack it on to make it really pop.
FOURTH STEP- using an even fluffier crease brush (or the same one as before, after wiping off the other shadow) take the shade Texture (light brown with some shimmer) and blend it in the crease only, back and forth back and forth to smooth everything out.
FIFTH STEP- add eyeliner in Smog (shimmery brown) right in the lashline. You can pretty much use any brown pencil liner here, it doesn't HAVE to be shimmery, I just liked how this one looked. You could also use a black liner for extra drama.
SIXTH STEP- using the eyeliner in Demolition (darker matte brown) smudge it on your lower lashline and then use the pencil brush to smoke it out a bit. Then add the dark reddish brown eyeliner to your water line (or black for an even smokier look!)
Skip this step if you want a less dramatic look.
SEVENTH STEP- use the shade Nylon (shimmery white) on your brow bone and inner corner to highlight and bring everything together. You can really use any small eyeshadow brush for this, even your fingers will work fine.
EIGHT STEP- Use a TINY bit of Carbon (matte black) on that same pencil brush and smudge it into the "outer v" of your eyes. This is TOTALLY not needed, all its going to do is add a bit of depth to the look.
NINETH STEP- Blend anything that looks harsh with the fluffy crease brush and no additional product.
TENTH STEP- Add mascara and this eye look is DONE!