Friday, September 19, 2014

Meaning : When There's Nothing Missing

There has a been a deep feeling of peace surrounding my life these past few days. This is not something that happens as often as I'd like so when it comes I want to hold onto it, dwell in, feel it fully and most importantly express my thankfulness for it.

You know when you're a kid and you have all these wonderful ideas of how your life is going to turn out? For me it involved being married to a fun-loving man who adored me, having a house full of people and being able to be someone who could help others.

Simple right? I didn't have grand dreams of winning awards or making tons of money. My wishes were pure and beautiful and because of that I believed that God would just give them to me.

Well, since you are reading this you are currently living life and you know that is not how life happens. Those wishes? They didn't just "come true." First off, I didn't meet the man I was going to marry until I was twenty-five.
That was incredibly hard on my heart. Over and over again I thought "Maybe, maybe this is it." and when it wasn't "it" I was crushed.
But looking back on that time I remember the love from others, the support (from my Mom especially) and that there was still joy even though there was something missing.

Fast-forward to me meeting Jeremy and getting married and us creating our home together. So badly we wanted a house that people would feel comfortable in, a home filled with love.
We both grew up surrounded by people and loved that. Again, a simple, pure wish.
But our house remained empty. We struggled to connect to the people around us. And it was hard on our hearts.
But within that time there was still joy and beautiful memories, even though we felt something was missing.

Around that same time I was working a job that I strongly disliked.
Remember the little kid Sam who wished that she could help people? I think that's part of the reason I became a hairstylist. Seeing peoples happiness when you have a hand in transforming their look is a thing of beauty and in a small way they are helped.
As a hairstylist you quickly become close with your clients and they open up to you and just by listening you are helping.
Those were things I treasured.
And where I worked, it just wasn't happening. The atmosphere wasn't good, the clientele was hard to relate too, the job was stressful.
But again, looking back, there was still joy, I met some wonderful stylists, but I knew something was missing.

Which brings me back to now and this feeling of peace.
Those childhood wishes are being fulfilled in beautiful ways.
Sundays with a houseful of people watching football, late night chats with new friends, wonderful couples to have all kinds of fun adventures with, a church community that has welcomed and embraced us, a group of kids that want to grow, a wonderful job full of exactly the things I need, and a man who loves me to share it all with.
And right now? There's nothing missing.

I know life has its highs and lows but I think one of the most beautiful things of all of life is seeing how God has brought me through the lows and IN SPITE of things being hard has still given me joy within those times.

Maybe your wishes were like mine, simple. Or maybe you have grander dreams.
While you are working towards those goals, find joy in the small things.
And when things do fall into place and your heart is full - Feel it.


  1. This "meaning" post brought tears to my eyes. I have prayed for all of this for you and am soooo happy to see that you are living it.
    And when you are not 'feeling it' anymore...go back and read this and maybe, just maybe, you will feel it renewed!

    1. Thanks for all the prayers Mom! You have made a difference in my life because of them (amoung other things of course!)
      That's part of why I wanted to write this post, I know things won't always be like this so I want to be able to remember and be thankful for it!
