Friday, September 19, 2014

Meaning : When There's Nothing Missing

There has a been a deep feeling of peace surrounding my life these past few days. This is not something that happens as often as I'd like so when it comes I want to hold onto it, dwell in, feel it fully and most importantly express my thankfulness for it.

You know when you're a kid and you have all these wonderful ideas of how your life is going to turn out? For me it involved being married to a fun-loving man who adored me, having a house full of people and being able to be someone who could help others.

Simple right? I didn't have grand dreams of winning awards or making tons of money. My wishes were pure and beautiful and because of that I believed that God would just give them to me.

Well, since you are reading this you are currently living life and you know that is not how life happens. Those wishes? They didn't just "come true." First off, I didn't meet the man I was going to marry until I was twenty-five.
That was incredibly hard on my heart. Over and over again I thought "Maybe, maybe this is it." and when it wasn't "it" I was crushed.
But looking back on that time I remember the love from others, the support (from my Mom especially) and that there was still joy even though there was something missing.

Fast-forward to me meeting Jeremy and getting married and us creating our home together. So badly we wanted a house that people would feel comfortable in, a home filled with love.
We both grew up surrounded by people and loved that. Again, a simple, pure wish.
But our house remained empty. We struggled to connect to the people around us. And it was hard on our hearts.
But within that time there was still joy and beautiful memories, even though we felt something was missing.

Around that same time I was working a job that I strongly disliked.
Remember the little kid Sam who wished that she could help people? I think that's part of the reason I became a hairstylist. Seeing peoples happiness when you have a hand in transforming their look is a thing of beauty and in a small way they are helped.
As a hairstylist you quickly become close with your clients and they open up to you and just by listening you are helping.
Those were things I treasured.
And where I worked, it just wasn't happening. The atmosphere wasn't good, the clientele was hard to relate too, the job was stressful.
But again, looking back, there was still joy, I met some wonderful stylists, but I knew something was missing.

Which brings me back to now and this feeling of peace.
Those childhood wishes are being fulfilled in beautiful ways.
Sundays with a houseful of people watching football, late night chats with new friends, wonderful couples to have all kinds of fun adventures with, a church community that has welcomed and embraced us, a group of kids that want to grow, a wonderful job full of exactly the things I need, and a man who loves me to share it all with.
And right now? There's nothing missing.

I know life has its highs and lows but I think one of the most beautiful things of all of life is seeing how God has brought me through the lows and IN SPITE of things being hard has still given me joy within those times.

Maybe your wishes were like mine, simple. Or maybe you have grander dreams.
While you are working towards those goals, find joy in the small things.
And when things do fall into place and your heart is full - Feel it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

All About The Eyes: Smokey Purple Look Using the Lorac Pro 2 Palette

A new palette has joined my collection! Its the Lorac Pro Palette 2 and we are in a committed relationship!

I'll do a full review after I've had some more time to play with it but for today I'll share with you how to achieve this fun colorful smokey eye.
A few things to keep in mind when doing a darker eye.
1. Brighten the inner corners with a shimmery shade in order to keep your eyes looking open and awake.
2. Use a light concealer under the eyes at the end to help the eyes from becoming too dark.
3. Keep the blush and lip color neutral. The eyes are the stars this time.

As always begin by priming your eyes with your favorite primer. Then using a fluffy crease brush put the color Light Brown in the crease to work as a transition shade. When you are working with dark colors you always want to start with a light shade in the crease to help it all blend.

 Now add a light cream base to the lid to help the shadows we are about to put on stick really well. I'm using the Makeup Forever Shadow Aqua Shadow Stick. Another great option would be one of the Maybelline Color Tattoos.

So you should end up with something like this, I also added a bit of the cream stick to my lower lash line to get it ready for the colors I'm going to put there.

 Add the color Plum all over the lid using a flat shader brush and a patting motion. 
This is such a pretty deep purple!
Blend it out with the brown shade we started with and a fluffy crease brush.

For even more color use a short flat brush to add the color Jade (which is a deep dark green) to your under eye area. 
Make sure to really work this color back and forth and blend it well.

Now take the color Buff, which is a cream colored matte shadow and use it on your browbone to add a bit of highlight. 
This also helps to blend the shadows together.

The last step is to take Beige, which is a light shimmery color and apply it to the inner corners of your eyes. 
Add mascara and this eye look is done!

That's all I've got for you today! 
Let me know if you give it a try.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

AllAboutTheEyes: Buxom Lash Bar Vanity Mascara

There's a new idea in the beauty world when it comes to mascara! Buxom has come up with a really cool concept! Its called the Buxom Lash Bar and here's how it works. You start out with the Vanity Lash Mascara, then comes the fun part.

There are seven different mascara wands that do seven different things for your lashes. You chose which wand you want based on what you want your lashes to do. You can chose one for volume, one for length one for separation so on and so forth. 

At Sephora there is a display with all the wands so you can check them out before you buy.
My favorite type of lashes are big and bold but the wand that was made for volume was not at the store so I went with the "Lush and Lifted" wand instead

The formula of this mascara is GREAT! Its not to wet, not to dry. Its SUPER black and easy to work with. It doesn't smudge or flake throughout the day, I've worn it for over ten hours at a time and its lasted wonderfully. It might be silly but I also love the packaging, the gold with the black is just so pretty.

I really like the wand I ended up getting also. One side is full and fluffy to build volume and the other side is a little comb to help with length and separation. The comb side works great for my bottom lashes and I can get some really great volume with the other side. 

This mascara retails for $22 and you can choose the brush on for "free". I mean its not really free because how would you use the mascara if you didn't have a brush? 
Then you can buy other brushes for $11 each. (I still really want to try the "Big and Bushy" wand.)

It doesn't beat out my favorite Too Faced Better Then Sex mascara BUT it comes in a close second.

What do you think of this concept? Will you give it a try?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Style: Outfit Of The Day: Finding Inspiration

We've all been there, our closet is full but we have nothing to wear!
When you get stuck in a style rut here is one of my best tips: look for style inspiration, then buy similar things.
For me, it was this outfit above. 
I came across it online one day and LOVED it.
I already had some of the pieces and figured the rest couldn't be too hard to find.
So here's what I ended up with!

Now there are alot of differences between her outfit and mine.
 Her shorts are ivory and crochet, mine are white and an eyelet pattern. Her shirt is navy and mine is black, I'm not carrying a big orange clutch and my necklace is gold but not a big triangle.... BUT that's what using an outfit for inspiration is all about. 
Take what you see and change it up a bit to make it similar but not exactly the same.

Chambray shirt: Nordstrom (already had from last fall. you guys must be sick of this shirt, I wore it in a past outfit of the day, but I just love it! It goes with everything)

Basic Black tee: Old Navy (bought for five bucks)

White Shorts: Madewell (found these for a STEAL originally $80, on sale for $15)

Gold flipflops: Marshalls (bought at the start of summer)

And all the jewerly was already in my collection
Bracelets: Alex and Ani
Rings: Nordstrom 
Necklace: Stella and Dot

 I love the scalloped detail on these shorts and how the gold flip flops tie everything together!


So if you're stuck in a style rut find a picture you love and create an outfit off of it!